Conflict of Interests

For the Mackenzie Administration Journal, a conflict of interest is any interest of a financial, professional or personal type that actually or potentially interferes in the preparation, review or publication of a paper and the work giving rise to it. Authors and their employers (academic institutions or not), sponsors, reviewers and editors may have conflicting interests. Conflicting interests may be rated as hidden or explicit, real or perceived.

In order to pursue its mission, this Journal feels that it is important to ensure that the research project presented in the papers are bias-free, the greatest possible extent. Thus, the Journal Editor may decide not to accept papers that he believes may be adversely affected in some way through a conflicting interest declared by their authors.

Any conflicting interest by the author or co-authors related to the paper and the work giving rise to it and that are relevant and arise within five years as from the start of the work must be disclosed.  During the submission process, the first author must state on his / her behalf and on behalf of other co-authors the existence of any financial, personal and professional interest that might actually or potentially influence the paper’s work and preparation.  Examples of conflicting interests include but are not limited to: research grants received from any sources, travel grants or attendance at meetings, providing paid services, relations with this Journal’s editorial staff, relations with the organizations involved and participation in Government agencies.  All sources of financing for the work must be described, including their role and involvement in the decision to submit the paper for publication.  Grants received by institutions or organizations financing the paper from other institutions or organizations that are known to the authors must also be declared.

The Editor will take the final decision on the relevance of any conflicts of interest declared by the authors and their possible influence on the work or paper. If necessary, this matter will be discussed with the ad hoc reviewers and the editorial staff. The decision will be based on the conflicting interests declared by the authors.

The ad hoc reviewers of this Journal must also declare conflicts of interest before starting to review any paper. Should any reviewer feel unable to review a paper due to conflicting interests, the Editor must be advised.

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